Friday, August 6, 2010

World of Darkness: Mage - The Awakening!

I've stated that I am a gamer. Unfortunately I haven't been able to game since I moved down to Winchester, VA from Gettysburg, PA for two reasons. 1) I don't have a lot of time on my hands these days as my girlfriend comes first and 2) I don't know anyone in the area and haven't found a decent gaming store to meet other gamers.

I'm not opposed to playing games online through things like Skype or IRC, but again, Alicia gets the most of my time these days :).

Anyway, I have been given the chance to reconnect with a friend I haven't seen in a long while. He is going to be running a Mage - The Awakening game set in New York and will be a heist-like game in the sorts of Ocean's 11 and Sneakers. Our first game is tomorrow, Saturday, August 7th

Its going to be great to see him and it will fun to finally play Mage. I've ran it a few times, but have never played it, so I am really stoked! I am an old Mage - The Ascension and the last time I was a Mage player was back in college during my senior year 2002 - 2003... Yeah, I'm jones-ing for this! Thanks Tony!


  1. YAY! I'm glad you have a girlfriend now, though sad to hear you moved so far away. I'm still role-playing every now and then. Some friends are trying to get me into nero LARP, doesn't quite seem my bag. I now have enough anime of my own to start a club if I wanted. I don't even think I could name it all...still have millions of AMV ideas, but still not technologically saavy enough to make them a reality. I might actually try D&D, I've stuck to Werewolf mainly, but Rich seems to like 4th edition and it seems to have made it sound, maybe..we'll see.

  2. Good to hear from you! Do you play nWoD Werewolf: THe Fallen or classic Werewolf: The Apocalypse? I have to say that I am really happy with nWoD restructure and I like the new settings. I also like the new D&D ruleset. It is very simple and with a good group of friends, very fun :)!

    I've fallen out of the anime thing, I still I have my collection but I haven't bought anything new or downloaded any fansubs in a while. I haven't made an AMV in a very long time. I haven't even been to an anime convention in 2+ years... If you have enough and are confident you should totally start one. It is a great way to meet new people in your area if you advertise :).

    I digress, but thank you for posting, I haven't talked to you in while, last time might have been Sarah and Josh's wedding.

  3. I'm confident that I could start one, if I had the space to do so. I've never made it to a con, always seemed too expensive. We play old World of Darkness, from the descriptions of the groupings, I don't care for the new stuff. I don't remember caring much for Mage when we played it in college. I never did anything magically with my character because I really didn't understand how.

  4. THe only Classic WoD I play these days are the few LARPs that I join in. I was playing in a Sabbat Vampire LARP based out of HACC, nice people, game is ehh, not worth driving 2+ hours a month to play imho. However, I am involved in a Camarilla (no not the official WW FANCLUB) LARP in Pittsburgh, that runs about 5 or six times a year. It is loads of fun and worth driving the 4+ hours to play :).

    Classic WoD Mage is very hard to do things with. You have to commit a lot more time and energy into it than any other game. nWoD Mage makes casting magic so much easier as they have a great big section of rotes (tried and true formula for spells) along with bigger dice pools for them. Free form magic still exists and is soooo much easier :). If you would be interested in trying a nWoD game, I might run nHunter in an IRC channel sometime in the near future.

    However, I love rule set for nWoD games, as they are much easier to run and keep track of. nMage is my favorite of the line, followed by nHunter, nChangeling, and nWerewolf.

  5. Pittsburgh should be further than 4 hours away from you, unless you have one hell of a lead foot, it's like 4.5 from Harrisburg. did you and Alisha meet?

  6. Sorry for the late reply. I met Alicia through a mutual friend that I made in Anime Club. They were high school friends and we were introduced last year :).
