Well a lot of things are going on. Alicia and I have bought a house. It puts me 10 minutes closer to work and her about 10 minutes further from work. However, the area is nice and seems pretty quiet. The house is currently being built, so we won't get to move in until mid to end of June, but we are excited :). 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths and 2 half baths, a nice kitchen with appliances already installed (there is a basic set and an upgrade set, we get an upgrade set ^_^.) that attaches to the back yard, a living room with a bay window, a 1 car garage, a place to hook up a washer and dryer (we are currently looking at those in stores), and a finished basement which has been promised to me as a 'Man Cave' for me to have my computers and other nerdy stuff :).
We went to look at furniture for the house. Bought 2 couches for the living room because they were nice and on sale this past weekend. We also went to other stores to price out other furniture that we will get later as needed.
Also, less than 2 months until we get married :).
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